Basil Soper is the founder of Transilient. He led the project for 4 years and brought on multiple southern trans young people, many of whom didn’t possess a “traditional” education, and were low income. Transilient is a traveling multi media documentary project. Transilient candidly documents transgender and non-binary people in their day-to-day lived realities using only their voices and is produced solely by trans people. Transilient's objective is to create a platform that is informative to all people, in and out of the trans community.
Under Basil’s leadership Transilient has partnered with the It Gets Better Project, National Center for Transgender Equality, and PFLAG. The project has travelled over 35, 000 miles and interviewed over 130+ subjects.
In 2019, the project is created a mini series called Climbing Every Mountain which focuses on the need for mental and medical health care access for trans and non binary folks but especially folks in the Appalachian region. It debuted on March 31, 2020 in partnership with PFLAG.
TRANScending Barriers and Transilient in Atlanta, 2017
Basil with Sparkle in Oakland
New Mexico, 2017